
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Brave Boys

2011-08-05 Comments off

Many of you are familiar with the tragic events my family experienced last year.  It breaks my heart to tell you that a family that has been so supportive to mine, because they had gone through the same thing, is experiencing the same thing again.  No couple deserves children more then they do.  I can’t imagine being deprived of the opportunity a second time.  This is my response to them, its so small but all I can do:  😦  If any of you live in Jerusalem please find them, give them the biggest hug in the world from me.  I’ve never met them but I love them…

Leora, I can not express how heart broken my wife and I are for you and your family. You’ve never met or communicated with me but your support of my wife, Doracy, has meant world to me. Even though I know what it feels like to look into the face of your child and watch them slip away from you I can’t imagine what it must be like to go through that same experience a second time. It would break me permanently for sure, the first time almost did. When I heard the news of Asaf’s passing I cried for hours. I feel like I know you and David from what Doracy has told me about you. When I read that David had spent the morning looking for Micha’s grave it reminded me so vividly of the morning I spent choosing the grave site for my boys. It was the coldest morning of my life.

In the future you will bring your children home, in your arms, healthy and safe. I believe that, I have to. They will grow big and strong. When they do I want your rainbow babies to meet mine. It may not happen till they are adults, because of the distance between us, but they will share a bond that only children with siblings that came before will understand. They will be beautiful and you will cherish them like no other parent will. No other parent will be more deserving. No other parent will take better care of their children.

We will be here for you and David and we will do anything we can for you. I will always consider you family.


P.S. tell your high risk OB that you will be getting a cerclage. I firmly believe it helped us get through our second pregnancy with twins. Sadly the only indicator doctors have that a cerclage is indicated is that a family has lost a pregnancy the same we did a year ago and the way you just did. I’m so frustrated with the world medical community for their lack of study in this area. It breaks my heart.

Categories: Uncategorized

Optical Block

Optical Block

For the past few months my TV has been having problems with a blue haze bleeding in from the lower right corner. At first it wasn’t really that noticeable but lately its been accompanied by these blue dots slowly appearing all over the screen. They look very much like hot pixels. Obviously this trend isn’t a good one, so today I did a quick search for “KDF-42WE655 blue dots” and was lead to a Web 2.0 site I hadn’t heard of before.

FixYa is a community site that answers your questions about your broken stuff, and tags both the questions an the answers. There has always been a wealth of information and vibrant communities of smart people on various forums for this type of thing but it has always taken me a long time to find the answer I was looking for. It was very refreshing to find that FixYa has a “blue dots” tag! Unfortunately, the problem with my TV sounds like something called an “optical block” which is a $1100 repair! Thankfully (sort of) I’m not the only one having this problem and Sony has extended the warranty for this problem only. Whew! Of course I have to use their service guys, but I really don’t care if it keeps me from having to buy a new TV.