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Information For Our Friends and Family


Just this Friday, our twin boys were born to soon to take their first breath.  So many of our friends have asked for details about the funeral and /or ways they can help.  Rather than relay the information many times I’m just writing up a post to point people to.  I’ll write more about what happened when I’m more ready to face it.

Their Funeral

We are going to lay our boys to rest near my family in Virginia.  There will be a grave side service 4:00PM Tuesday January 19th at Hebron Baptist Church in Appomattox, Virginia. GPS navigation systems and mapping websites aren’t very reliable in Appomattox County so be sure and get directions from the church website.

For people wishing to attend from out-of-town our wonderful friends at Rockcliffe Farm Retreat & Lodge near our home have graciously offered any of the rooms they haven’t already rented out to people attending the funeral no charge.

How You Can Help

I honestly don’t know what help we should ask for.  Our family has all been here over the weekend and taking wonderful care of us but after we come home on Wednesday or Thursday we won’t have them here and from what I’ve been told that’s when things will get really hard.  The women in our neighborhood have offered to coordinate meals for anyone interested in making one so we don’t end up with 18 suppers all at once and then none for the upcoming days.  I will give you their contact information if that’s something that interest you.  I can confidently say that Doracy will need to see some friendly faces in the coming weeks and I’m thinking that the people stopping by will be just as important as the food itself.

The hospital gave us a wonderfully done pamphlet “Family and Friends: How You Can Help When a Baby Dies” which I recommend everyone read.  I will support my loved ones slightly differently through any loss they may have in the future because of it.  The most important part being on what not to do.  I have made some of those mistakes in the past because I didn’t know what the right thing to say was.

Some Links

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  1. 2010-01-18 at 06:38

    I am so, so sorry.

  2. Annie Shaw
    2010-01-18 at 10:02

    My dear Russ and Doracy,
    My heart is bleeding for you all. I’m so very sorry. And, I’m grateful that you had the chance to hold and love both Jesse Phillip and Dale Richard within your arms. I know you are, and will forever treasure that time with your sons.
    Be gentle with yourselves, and very patient during your grieving.
    I’m hopeful that I will be able to attend the funeral; my mom was thinking she could ride down with me, but we’re realizing she’s still recouperating.
    with love, your cousin (once removed!) Annie Shaw

  3. Edney
    2010-01-18 at 10:45

    I’m so very sorry.

  4. 2010-01-18 at 12:01

    Very sorry for your loss 😥

  5. Robert Wilson
    2010-01-18 at 12:57

    I’m so sorry to hear of this tragic loss. My prayers are with your entire family.


  6. Leslie Gartenberg
    2010-01-18 at 13:00

    Anyone who wants to help with a meal can contact me, Leslie, at Leslieks1@yahoo.com or Jennifer at jdecourcy@nc.rr.com and we will add you to the schedule. My thoughts and prayers are with you both! Adam and I are so very sorry!

  7. Ken Pauley
    2010-01-18 at 15:26

    Russell and Doracy, I really just don’t know what to say other than I am terribly saddened to hear of your loss, no one can imagine, no one can relate, all we can do is offer our hearts, our friendship and a good solid shoulder. Please, let me know if there is anything I can do, or if there is anything your Cisco family can do.

  8. Susan G.
    2010-01-18 at 18:06

    Doracy and Russ,
    So sorry to hear about your sad news. I will be praying for you both and lifting you up. Your little angels in heaven were blessed to have such sweet parents that loved them so very much. I know it must difficult and if you need anything just let me know.
    Take care and take your time God will heal your hearts and take care of you both in this time of need. Call if you need anything if you need me to take Bonzer to the park or whatever, just let me know

  9. Denise
    2010-01-18 at 21:57

    Doracy and Russ,

    You have been and will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  10. Leslie Haney
    2010-01-18 at 22:30

    I am so, so very sorry . I don’t know what to say other than that you are both in my thoughts and prayers.

  11. Lilly Grace
    2010-01-19 at 00:07

    I am so sorry. You and your husband are in my prayers. I don’t know what else to say but thinking and praying for you.

  12. Bill Morgan
    2010-01-19 at 19:06

    Mr. & Mrs. Doracy,

    I don’t know you, you don’t know me. I arrived here while searching for info on Fedora. The Lord led me here for a reason, though I would be lying if I said I knew why. I can only offer my tears, a shared pain in the heart, another question as to why?, a sense of helplessness and the promise of hope in your Lord, Jesus Christ. Just know that a stranger in East Texas is praying for you and your two perfect sons.

  13. David Luks
    2010-01-19 at 22:53

    Russell and Doracy,
    I heard about your loss through Russell’s old Motricity/Pinpoint community. I am truly sorry — you are in our thoughts.

  14. 2010-01-20 at 02:37

    I know a someone who had her baby die a couple of years ago, she did a lot of things being somewhat a public figure on a local level (I help her with the website), including staring a foundation helping people with similar problems. She is in touch, and learned a lot, including by reading books, from a foundation in the US: http://www.missfoundation.org/

  15. Casey Harrison
    2010-01-20 at 12:34

    Russell & Doracy,
    We were so very sorry to hear about this. We too lost a little one early in one of our pregnancies. We are praying for you guys whenever we think about it from down here in TX.
    Casey & Joel Harrison

  16. 2010-01-21 at 14:17

    So sorry to hear of your loss. You and Doracy are in my thoughts.

  17. Tracy Hollister
    2010-02-16 at 18:02

    Russell and Doracy,
    This is the saddest news I have heard in a long time. It gives me chills. You must both be overcome with grief. Please let me know if you need someone who knows you both to talk with. 610-8477. I’ll be there for you, and you are in my thoughts.
    Take care,

  1. 2010-01-18 at 04:05
  2. 2010-01-19 at 11:41
  3. 2010-02-01 at 13:38
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